Our Process

During Our Process Kick-off call, we delve into your marketing hurdles, revenue targets, and other crucial details to tailor our assistance effectively.

Our Process

Do you need to scale your business quickly?

During Our Process Kick-off call, we delve into your marketing hurdles, revenue targets, and other crucial details to tailor our assistance effectively.

When your product is ready to scale, time is not on your side. If there’s not experienced arms and legs to set up your sales and marketing engine, it may take you more than a year to gain traction.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is focused on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content and adding value at every stage in the customer’s buying journey. With email marketing, potential customers find you through marketing channels like blogs, search engines, and social media. As they find you, they opt into receiving more content, perhaps through email.

Unlike outbound marketing (traditional advertising, pay-per-click advertising, and the like), inbound marketing does not need to fight for potential customers attention. By creating content designed to address the problems and needs of your ideal customers, you attract qualified prospects and build trust and credibility for your business.

Do you still need outbound marketing?

Well, it depends. Outbound Marketing costs hard money. Every single month. So it has to be strategic, and surgical like small media buys on very targeted vehicles to support your inbound strategy. We DO NOT recommend setting a giant Google Pay Per Click Campaign, and then watching your credit card bill climb — with NO results.

Outbound marketing is necessary both as air cover to your sales team, and in the interim, while your inbound content strategy gets set up (60 days) and has time to ferment (6-9 months). A good Marketing recommendation always includes both inbound and outbound. And, if you are in a BIG hurry, and have some dollars, we can recommend strategic outbound marketing to get you up and running quickly.

Getting Started

Free Consultation

Your first consultation is free. And we promise you a written deck describing your problem and opportunities, with a quote for services. All we ask for is the opportunity to present it to you.


We meet with you in a Project Kickoff call. Typically we want to understand your marketing problem, how long you have to achieve your revenue goals, and how much you can, realistically afford on marketing. We also like to educate a little bit on the Inbound Marketing process as well. Then we go back and research your company, and your industry … and what it would take to solve your problem.


Quotes are based on work elements needed within a time frame. Ideally we would like to quote you the whole inbound marketing and sales process implementation. Soup to nuts.

Our promise to you.

In 60 days

Sound to good to be true? It’s not.
We’ve done it before and we will do it for you.

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