AI marketing automation

How AI Is Affecting Marketing Automation

AI marketing automation utilizes artificial intelligence to streamline and optimize marketing processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

There’s a slim chance you aren’t at least curious if artificial intelligence can help you meet your marketing goals, even if you aren’t currently using it or don’t fully understand it.

And you’re certainly familiar with marketing automation to nurture your customers and form loyal, long-term relationships.

But are you aware of how combining these powerful tools can help you remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape? Learn how AI is impacting marketing automation and how to harness its potential.

How to Implement AI Marketing Automation

According to HubSpot’s 2023 State of Marketing Report, effective marketing strategies are 46% more likely to include automation than ineffective ones. But before you dive in head first, it’s wise to consider the big picture and develop the right strategy. Here are a few things to consider when implementing AI marketing automation.

  • Determine your needs. Many AI marketing automation tools and platforms are available, each with various features, strengths, and weaknesses. Carefully consider your needs and perform research to identify the best one for you.
  • Train your marketing team. AI marketing automation is still in its infancy. Therefore, it’s crucial to arm your employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ongoing training to make the most of the technology. Existing employees may need to adapt to new roles and responsibilities, or you may need to hire fresh talent or bring on outside help.
  • Stay ahead of the curve. There is some justifiable concern over AI replacing jobs, but it will also create new opportunities. As powerful as AI marketing automation technology is, it still requires a human touch to provide creative and emotional aspects. Remain up-to-date with current trends to effectively use AI and position yourself for success.
  • Create a plan. You’re more likely to achieve your goals with a solid plan. Develop a strategy that includes how you will use AI marketing automation, employee training, skill development needs, and your desired outcomes. Be sure to monitor your results and make adjustments where necessary.

Benefits of Using AI Marketing Automation

With an estimated value of around $15.4 billion in 2021, the use of AI in marketing is expected to increase to over $107.5 billion by 2028. This indicates that, while still a relatively new technology, AI is here to stay. Understanding and embracing these powerful tools are crucial to developing an effective marketing strategy for your brand.

Below are a few examples of how incorporating AI into your marketing automation efforts can significantly improve your marketing strategy:

  • Personalization. Customers prefer personalized interactions over generic ones, but creating such experiences for every customer is often unrealistic without automation. AI marketing automation can analyze your audience’s behaviors to gain insights into their preferences and needs and predict changes. It can then make tailored recommendations and create more personalized campaigns that enhance loyalty and increase revenue.
    AI can also analyze customer interactions, feedback, and social media comments to understand your customers, uncover and address common issues, and improve their experience.
  • Cost Efficiency. By streamlining tedious tasks and processes, AI marketing automation saves time, money, and resources. Reducing manual labor frees your team to spend more time on other important aspects like customer relationships, content creation, and sales growth.
    Marketing strategies that utilize AI marketing automation also benefit from valuable insights on the most effective channels for ads and customer engagement.
  • Optimize ROI. You can use AI marketing automation to make informed decisions and maximize your ROI. By pinpointing customers and leads most likely to purchase your product or service and analyzing historical data to predict the best time to launch new products or services, you can target your campaigns accordingly for higher conversion rates.


AI marketing automation is revolutionizing the marketing industry in every way and will continue to do so. Understand how AI is affecting marketing automation and how to make it work in your favor to maximize your marketing efforts. The team of experts at Reas Marketing is up to date with the latest trends and technologies and can provide the guidance you need to develop a more effective, more efficient marketing strategy. Contact us today to learn how we can help you set and meet your marketing goals.

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